This is a picture of the cupcakes I made for my birthday. Well...they didn't look quite like this. They were a little flatter, the frosting not so perfect, no white chocolate shavings...but they were of the same genre. Meaning: the genre of deliciousness. I saw these cupcakes on pinterest a few weeks ago, and I knew I needed to make these for my birthday. Yes, I had to make my own cake for my birthday, but you see it's a good thing since I get to pick exactly what I want to make.
Today was a good day. A great day in fact. I love birthdays because they're a day that everyone reminds you that they're glad you were born. I have 3 vases of flowers on my table (from wonderful friends), new clothes (from my mom and a close friend), new books (form my likewise book loving sister), full belly (from lunch date with hubby), cards and drawings (from my excited kids), a card from my great (great as in wonderful) grandparents), and a phone full of loving text messages (from family and friends).
Yes, I am loved.