Friday, May 5, 2017

Contest - Chance to have your name chosen to be in the book

Beauty and the Teenage Beast
(the 4th book in The Princess Chronicles is scheduled to be released this Fall of 2017)
Bonus: here is the cover reveal!

To celebrate, I'm doing another contest for a chance to have your name chosen as one of the characters in the book. All you have to do is leave a review for one of my books on Amazon by May 15th. It can be for I'm Not Cinderella, Finding Sleeping Beauty, or Rescuing Rapunzel. If you do more than one review, you get an extra chance to have your name chosen. Please send me a message ( once you've posted a review on amazon so I can enter your name in the drawing. The winner will be announced on May 16th.

Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Beauty and the Teenage Beast

Book 4 in The Princess Chronicles
Coming Fall 2017