Monday, October 24, 2016

New Fall Book Reviews

I love all of Kelly Nelson's books. Thank you for writing another clean, fun romance. This book had the whole package - romance, suspense, mystery, cowboys. ;) You'll love it!

As another reviewer also commented, it is a fun book for all ages. Thank you for writing a clean book. It's hard to find good (clean) books out there, and I appreciate authors who can write a great one. I'll admit, the cover was the first thing that drew me in. I loved it! I know you're not supposed to judge a book by its cover, but I'm guilty as charged. Some of the parts in the book were a little slow, but I felt connected to the characters and soon anticipated how the book was going to end. You'll not regret reading this book.

Another fun read by Robin King. This is the sequel to Remebrandt. I got frustrated with the main character a little bit, but that's a good indication that I was involved with the story. In the middle, the pacing of the plot could have picked up, but other than that it was a great story. I really liked it. Thank you Robin!

Sunday, October 16, 2016

Late nights = time to write

I finally finished the first draft on October 1st. It was just over 68,000 words. I had been staying up late almost every day for the month of September.

Well, fast forward 2 weeks, it's now 2:34 am, and I have finally went through all of my 5 beta readers edits, suggestions, and rewrites.

This stuff takes a lot of work and a lot of time.

I just wanted to give a shout out to some awesome beta readers who took the time to read my WIP. Jana Aldrich King, Stacy Kupiec, Amy Linnabary Meyer, Jill Warner, and Laura Walker, thank you so much for your help. You all gave me great feedback. I was able to make necessary changes, and now I feel reallly good about where my story is going. Thanks again!!!

I emailed my polished mansucript to my eidtor tonight. Here we go!