Monday, July 16, 2012

July 10, 2012...a date to remember

Happy Dance!

2 years ago on Mother's Day I finished my 3rd book titled I'm Not Cinderella. I printed and bound a copy for each my mother and grandmother for Mother's Day and then sent the manuscript off to 4 publishers. During the span of 26 months, I've had 1 publisher reject my manuscript, another interested but requested alterations only to have the same person who was interested no longer work for the company and that 'said' company no longer interested, another publisher file my manuscript in the 'to be published' file but then write to tell me they are going out of business, and then 1 last publisher who emailed they were interested and gave me suggestions to fix my manuscript and requested to see it again. Well, I revised and revised and revised my manuscript and then resent it to that particular publisher 5 months ago and received the most glorious news on Tuesday, July 10th, 2012. It says:

Dear Tarrah,

How are you? I apologize for being out of touch, but I do have good news. Recently, I asked someone in my office to read the revised version of I'm Not Cinderella, and she liked it very much. (I've been so busy I haven't had time to read submissions; my coworker read your manuscript while on vacation. :) We'd like to publish the book if you haven't yet contracted with another publisher.

And then another email:


Thanks for your message. We are excited to work with you and publish I'm Not Cinderella. The next step is to get a contract signed. Please read the attached (our generic contract) and let me know if you have any questions. Once we have a signed contract, we'll chat with you about marketing, schedule, etc. My guess is that we'll want to publish the book in spring 2013.

Did you say there will be sequels to the book? If so, how many?

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