Thursday, December 8, 2016
Tuesday, November 22, 2016
Monday, October 24, 2016
New Fall Book Reviews

I love all of Kelly Nelson's books. Thank you for writing another clean, fun romance. This book had the whole package - romance, suspense, mystery, cowboys. ;) You'll love it!

As another reviewer also commented, it is a fun book for all ages. Thank you for writing a clean book. It's hard to find good (clean) books out there, and I appreciate authors who can write a great one. I'll admit, the cover was the first thing that drew me in. I loved it! I know you're not supposed to judge a book by its cover, but I'm guilty as charged. Some of the parts in the book were a little slow, but I felt connected to the characters and soon anticipated how the book was going to end. You'll not regret reading this book.

Another fun read by Robin King. This is the sequel to Remebrandt. I got frustrated with the main character a little bit, but that's a good indication that I was involved with the story. In the middle, the pacing of the plot could have picked up, but other than that it was a great story. I really liked it. Thank you Robin!
Sunday, October 16, 2016
Late nights = time to write
I finally finished the first draft on October 1st. It was just over 68,000 words. I had been staying up late almost every day for the month of September.
Well, fast forward 2 weeks, it's now 2:34 am, and I have finally went through all of my 5 beta readers edits, suggestions, and rewrites.
This stuff takes a lot of work and a lot of time.
I just wanted to give a shout out to some awesome beta readers who took the time to read my WIP. Jana Aldrich King, Stacy Kupiec, Amy Linnabary Meyer, Jill Warner, and Laura Walker, thank you so much for your help. You all gave me great feedback. I was able to make necessary changes, and now I feel reallly good about where my story is going. Thanks again!!!
I emailed my polished mansucript to my eidtor tonight. Here we go!
Well, fast forward 2 weeks, it's now 2:34 am, and I have finally went through all of my 5 beta readers edits, suggestions, and rewrites.
This stuff takes a lot of work and a lot of time.
I just wanted to give a shout out to some awesome beta readers who took the time to read my WIP. Jana Aldrich King, Stacy Kupiec, Amy Linnabary Meyer, Jill Warner, and Laura Walker, thank you so much for your help. You all gave me great feedback. I was able to make necessary changes, and now I feel reallly good about where my story is going. Thanks again!!!
I emailed my polished mansucript to my eidtor tonight. Here we go!
Wednesday, September 7, 2016
13 Clean Fiction Novels Your Teen Will Love
What a fun surprise!! I was going to do a big cover reveal for my next book, but LDSLiving made it official in today's article. Thanks to my friends who let me know about it. ;) And thanks to Ryan for all of his excitement and support. I could never do what I love without him!


Friday, July 15, 2016
'Rescuing Rapunzel' Update
This girl's story is turning out awesome. I always begin a book with a rough idea of how I want it go and what's going to be happen. But, I've learned to have a very fluffy structure of what is going to happen in these stories. Things evolve, more ideas are put into place. and I'm learning and growing right along with the characters until we're all teaching each other. It blows me away how that happens.
So, as I was saying - Rescuing Rapunzel's story is going really great. And one of my favorite parts of writing books and getting to see the cover. The publisher showed me the finished cover just barely, and I love it. I have to wait to show everybody. Believe me, I'm going to shout it on the roof tops.
And, can I just say, thank you to everyone who reads my books? I love all of you!!!
So, as I was saying - Rescuing Rapunzel's story is going really great. And one of my favorite parts of writing books and getting to see the cover. The publisher showed me the finished cover just barely, and I love it. I have to wait to show everybody. Believe me, I'm going to shout it on the roof tops.
And, can I just say, thank you to everyone who reads my books? I love all of you!!!

Thursday, June 23, 2016
Timeline of getting 1st book published vs. 2nd book
I finished my 1st draft of my 1st book in the Spring of 2010. I sent it off to 3 different publishers that summer, and 2 of them were interested but suggested a few changes before they were able to publish it. It wasn't until 2 years later (after having some beta readers read over my book & I made massive changes) in the Summer of 2012 that I signed with Walnut Springs Press. Since I was a new author, my book got on the wait list until the Fall of 2013. After edits, etc, it was in stores and available on Amazon December of 2013. So, from start to finish - it took 4 years (that's including the time it took it write the 1st draft).
My 2nd book was a lot quicker - especially since I had already published. I finished the 1st draft in the summer of 2015 and it was in stores December of 2015. From start to finish - it took 1 year.
My 2nd book was a lot quicker - especially since I had already published. I finished the 1st draft in the summer of 2015 and it was in stores December of 2015. From start to finish - it took 1 year.
Tuesday, June 7, 2016
Publishing Party on Facebook
LDS Beta Readers is hosting this cool event for the next 2 weeks where they highlight 3-4 published authors each day and they share their insignts and stuff. You can ask them any question you want. I wanted to spread the word to all of my friends to come check it out. They are all LDS authors...and there will be prizes and giveaways. Hint Hint. I'll post the links in the comments.
Facebook Publishing Party
Blog with list of featured authors
Facebook Publishing Party
Blog with list of featured authors
Tuesday, May 10, 2016
Mother's Day Plants

Don't buy me a plant. A dozen roses are different - I'll always love those on any occasion. When you give a mom a plant on Mother's Day, it is saying, "Here is something else that will take up your time for you to worry about in your life, and it will probably die anyway...so yay, Mom." I don't want a gentle reminder that I sometimes stink at being a mom. I want a gift that is easy and something I won't mess up on...like a bag of candy. I told my kids from now on I want them to make homemade chocolate chip cookies and to serve me a warm cookie with a scoop of cookie dough ice cream. That is something I can enjoy and not stress that I'm doing it wrong or forgetting how to do it. The spoon is in my hand, the bown is warm, and I can simply spoon the yumminess in my mouth with no other thought process going on. There - that's a Mother's Day gift. I'm trying to train my kids young. Momma needs it easy, babies. Love you though.
Tuesday, April 26, 2016
Rescuing Rapunzel Blurb

Two princess cousins - Rapunzel & Snow White - are raised as best friends in the magical kingdom of Fenmore Falls until Rapunzel is kidnapped from her bedchamber at 5 years old. Many years later, everyone has given up hope – except Snow White. When it is revealed to her that Rapunzel is alive, she finds herself being forced to escape with the same threat that was given to her cousin. She stumbles upon a place called Idaho and into a house filled with 7 brothers who don't immediately welcome the peculiar princess into their home.
Meanwhile, Rapunzel has been living in a tower under the assumption that she is being protected from evil men who want to kill her. Even though she’s grateful for the woman who has been helping her, she longs for the day she can be free from the tower and return home.
Snow White, with the help of the 7 brothers, is able to find and rescue Rapunzel. However, unexpected challenges face them, and the newfound group must rely on the help from unusual friends to track down the real threat to the princesses. Sometimes, help comes when you least expect it.
Sunday, April 17, 2016
Wednesday, April 6, 2016
April 2nd - Deseret Book Ladies Night Book Signing
Thanks Deseret Book - Logan for being the best host for my book signing on Saturday. It was a perfect night! Thank you to all of my family and friends who came to support me. I love you! I want to give a special thank you to my amazing husband, Ryan, for loving me and being excited for me to live my dream. I'm so grateful I have someone who makes me better everyday! I'm also thankful for my great kids who helped babysit and do all of the housework while I was gone. I am truly blessed!

Wednesday, March 30, 2016
Friday, March 25, 2016
Review for 'Mosaic'

Mo, the main character in this book, attempts to weave through teenage life after tragedy hits her family. The author did a great job portraying genuine emotion from the characters who have to help each other cope and essentially grow. Family is a huge support group and this book shows how loving each other no matter what provides the foundation for emotional support. Thank you for writing a clean and meaningful book. I thoroughly enjoyed it.
Tuesday, March 8, 2016
Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Wednesday, January 13, 2016
Singing Librarian Books' Interview with me ;)
You can click on Singing Librarian Books to see the full interview with pictures, or you can read below. Thanks Sydney!!!
1. How did you get started as an author? What or whom inspired you?
It’s cliché to say I’ve written since I was young, but it’s true. My first muse was writing ‘I Dream of Genie’ plays. My mom saved dozens of them in my scrapbook. I think many authors have the desire to write when they are young. It’s almost something we’re born with. When I got to be an adult, I was inspired again after reading Stephenie Meyers’ books and also Marcia Lynn McClure’s. Both of these authors made me love reading again (after enduring boring years in college and being forced to read what was on the syllabus in my classes) which in turn got me excited to write again. It’s lots more fun to read and write things you want to.
2. How many books have you written and in what genres?
Finding Sleeping Beauty is my 2nd book published, and is the 2nd book in The Princess Chronicles. My first one is I’m Not Cinderella. I have two other books I have written before the Princess Chronicles books, but they have never been published. All have been YA Fiction.
3. What writing projects are you currently working on? What can you tell us about these projects?
After Finding Sleeping Beauty, I want to explore the story of Snow White and Rapunzel. In my outline, they are cousins who both are in need of somewhere to hide, which leads to them finding a magic door to Idaho (similar to the first two books in The Princess Chronicles).
4. What does your writing process look like?
First, I spend a good portion of time outlining my story. I even write down ideas of how I want each chapter to begin and end. Of course, the story evolves once I begin writing, but it sticks closely to the outline which is why I brainstorm so much before I start to write. Then, I write from page 1 to the end. I don’t like to skip around; I like to write straight through.
5. Where is your favorite place to write?
I write in different places, depending if I’m writing during the day where I’m interacting with my family or if I’m writing at night when everyone has gone to bed. My favorite place to write is on my rocking chair in the family room near the fireplace. It’s a central location to keep tabs on my kids, and in the winter I’m grateful for the heat.
6. How important are the names in your novels? How do you choose names for your characters? Do you have any name resources you would suggest?
My names are closely related to fairy tale names since I write about princess books, but I also choose modern names for the new characters. I like to look up the meanings of names on babynames.com. For example, Channing is the last name of the royal family in my books and it means snow. Therefore, I incorporated the symbol of a snowflake to things related to the royal family.
7. What authors/novels that you enjoy would you recommend?
Anything by Marcia Lynn McClure. Love Jenny B. Jones & Jenni James – 2 different authors but both amazing writers. Deeanne Gist is another great author.
8. Where is your favorite place to read and why?
I read everywhere. I like to use my kindle on my phone, so if my kids are watching a movie I can read a little bit on my phone. Technology is so convenient.
9. What period of history interests you the most?
Anything historical. Especially Jane Austen period. Mr. Darcy…swoon. Ladies, am I right?
10. If you could choose someone famous to star in one of your books made to a movie, who would you choose and for which character?
Peyton List would be a perfect Sleeping Beauty.
Lucas Adams would be her love interest, Nate (but picture him with brown hair).
11. What inspired the idea for I’m Not Cinderella? Finding Sleeping Beauty?
I’ve always loved fairy tales…and wished I could be in them. What better way than to write one…or two. That way I could be in the stories and manipulate them any way I could. I’ve always been told to write what you love, and I love fairytales.
12. What other hobbies do you enjoy when you are not writing?
I like to bake, but I’m not very good…but I still like to do it because I love to eat the batter, and I like to read cookbooks. I love to play the piano. I teach preschool twice a week and love it. I like to travel around the world with my hubby. But I especially love to spend time with my family, doing anything. I’ve always wanted to be a mother, and it’s the best blessing ever!
1. How did you get started as an author? What or whom inspired you?
It’s cliché to say I’ve written since I was young, but it’s true. My first muse was writing ‘I Dream of Genie’ plays. My mom saved dozens of them in my scrapbook. I think many authors have the desire to write when they are young. It’s almost something we’re born with. When I got to be an adult, I was inspired again after reading Stephenie Meyers’ books and also Marcia Lynn McClure’s. Both of these authors made me love reading again (after enduring boring years in college and being forced to read what was on the syllabus in my classes) which in turn got me excited to write again. It’s lots more fun to read and write things you want to.
2. How many books have you written and in what genres?
Finding Sleeping Beauty is my 2nd book published, and is the 2nd book in The Princess Chronicles. My first one is I’m Not Cinderella. I have two other books I have written before the Princess Chronicles books, but they have never been published. All have been YA Fiction.
3. What writing projects are you currently working on? What can you tell us about these projects?
After Finding Sleeping Beauty, I want to explore the story of Snow White and Rapunzel. In my outline, they are cousins who both are in need of somewhere to hide, which leads to them finding a magic door to Idaho (similar to the first two books in The Princess Chronicles).
4. What does your writing process look like?
First, I spend a good portion of time outlining my story. I even write down ideas of how I want each chapter to begin and end. Of course, the story evolves once I begin writing, but it sticks closely to the outline which is why I brainstorm so much before I start to write. Then, I write from page 1 to the end. I don’t like to skip around; I like to write straight through.
5. Where is your favorite place to write?
I write in different places, depending if I’m writing during the day where I’m interacting with my family or if I’m writing at night when everyone has gone to bed. My favorite place to write is on my rocking chair in the family room near the fireplace. It’s a central location to keep tabs on my kids, and in the winter I’m grateful for the heat.
6. How important are the names in your novels? How do you choose names for your characters? Do you have any name resources you would suggest?
My names are closely related to fairy tale names since I write about princess books, but I also choose modern names for the new characters. I like to look up the meanings of names on babynames.com. For example, Channing is the last name of the royal family in my books and it means snow. Therefore, I incorporated the symbol of a snowflake to things related to the royal family.
7. What authors/novels that you enjoy would you recommend?
Anything by Marcia Lynn McClure. Love Jenny B. Jones & Jenni James – 2 different authors but both amazing writers. Deeanne Gist is another great author.
8. Where is your favorite place to read and why?
I read everywhere. I like to use my kindle on my phone, so if my kids are watching a movie I can read a little bit on my phone. Technology is so convenient.
9. What period of history interests you the most?
Anything historical. Especially Jane Austen period. Mr. Darcy…swoon. Ladies, am I right?
10. If you could choose someone famous to star in one of your books made to a movie, who would you choose and for which character?
Peyton List would be a perfect Sleeping Beauty.
Lucas Adams would be her love interest, Nate (but picture him with brown hair).
11. What inspired the idea for I’m Not Cinderella? Finding Sleeping Beauty?
I’ve always loved fairy tales…and wished I could be in them. What better way than to write one…or two. That way I could be in the stories and manipulate them any way I could. I’ve always been told to write what you love, and I love fairytales.
12. What other hobbies do you enjoy when you are not writing?
I like to bake, but I’m not very good…but I still like to do it because I love to eat the batter, and I like to read cookbooks. I love to play the piano. I teach preschool twice a week and love it. I like to travel around the world with my hubby. But I especially love to spend time with my family, doing anything. I’ve always wanted to be a mother, and it’s the best blessing ever!
Friday, January 1, 2016
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